Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fab Friday 9/28

Some food for thought this week... Classes viewed this clip and then reflected through a music journal entry. The task: argue both sides of the issue that presents itself in this video. Take a look...does this method of live performance excite you or disappoint you? Is technology enhancing the musical "experience" or detracting from it? As a performer, would you feel fulfilled? As an audience member, would you get your money's worth? What's the "cool factor" and does it outweigh the traditional music-making expectations?

Who knew such a short clip could spark such a debate, eh students?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fab Friday 9/21

The power of music never ceases to amaze me. This is a touching and true documentary. Thanks to Lauren P.'s mom for sending this one my way a while back!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Oops! I Forgot a Fab Friday Clip...

,,,AND we giggled a bit at this Sesame Street parody of "Glee"! (the letter 'g') Bwa ha ha!

Fab Friday (tardy) 9/14

A little bit of this and a little bit of that!The 6th graders needed to meet Il Volo, a teenage Italian opera trio.....The 7th/8th graders experienced the 4-chord mega-medley of the Axis of Awesome.....and the general music class got to check out the creative concept videos of Ok Go. Some of these are already on my blog, but I'll repost them anyway!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Fab Friday 9/7

This year's 8th graders performed "Africa" last year at the Pops Concert in October. This was a nice trip down memory this group begins with the ever-popular rain storm activity. Now why didn't I think of that?  :0)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

PR Committee: Help with Project

Choir Public Relations Committee: Follow this link to the instructions for your paper ball project. Unfortunately, they aren't overly detailed...but as I mentioned Friday at school, this project just takes a bit of patience and old-fashioned trial-and-error until you get it right. Working with the cardstock is a little frustrating, as it will want to collapse on you. Grab a friend, older sibling, or parent if you need help. The result is worth the time and trials. NOTE: you may end up having to reverse the hanger I taped on to your final piece in order for it to slide in the correct way. The last piece is the hardest...gotta find every petal that needs attached! Remember, every petal of every flower needs to be attached to a DIFFERENT flower. Good luck, and I can't wait to see them when you bring them to school on Tuesday. Just bring them right to my room first thing in the morning -they are not locker material!