Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fab Fridays

It seems I've got some catch-up to do on these posts...perhaps Spring Break can help with that. Leave it to MSers to remind me when I'm falling behind!
So...apparently the cup game is making it's way back into popularity. Here are some girls who have their own spin on it...
This one didn't get seen by everyone due to time this week, but I said I'd post it. It's pretty neat to hear a live performance of a glass organ/harp. I've never been able to get the vibrations to go my way for pure sound on a glass. It's pretty amazing to see the extent to which these artists master this craft!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Fab Friday 3/1

The CDZA is a group that recruits professional musicians for the purpose of doing "musical experiments". They have tons of really neat mash-ups that I wish I would have known about many years ago! As an entity, they are often commissioned to perform at annual meetings for worldwide arts groups and the like. Here's one we saw Friday. I'll probably show one or two more before the year is over... It sure looks like they have fun!
"An Abridged History of Western Music in 16 Genres"