Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fab Friday 3/2 Misunderstood Lyrics

March is here! This month, we'll take a listen to some well-known songs with lyrics that people have goobered up over the years. For some, I will post the video. Not all examples will get that treatment, though, because I try to keep the themes as clean as possible. I know my students see and hear a lot worse than what I allow in my room, but this here's a family show!

This week, we'll listen to one of my favorites as a youth - Shake it Up by the Cars (1981). So is it "Don't let nobody pick your fun" or "Don't let nobody pick your bum"? You decide! :0)

The video can be found on YouTube, but I will not post it here. Nothing too racy, just a bit flouncy with the girls...


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