Friday, July 27, 2012

Are You Ready...?

Another school year is upon us...can you believe the summer was so short?-- and that's not just an exaggeration like previous years! So here's where you'll find our Fab Friday "schtuff" and other interesting things. This year, I'll also be posting things that may benefit the newly-formed General Music class: theory help, unit-related items, and (hopefully) some guitar help.
If you are checking back in as a Freshman, my best wishes come your way! I may still see you on occasion in the choir room - good luck this year! Eighth graders: I'll see YOU in the great big HS choir room...PLEEEEEAAAAAASSSEE don't drive me nuts by staring at yourself in the mirrors all period, primping and such! You'll be happy to know I did finish painting the entire MS choir looks awesome, so come back and visit sometime! Can't wait to see my returning choir students and am looking forward to having the 6th graders back in my "talons" again :0).

I always told you that last year being my first at the MS was a year of keeping afloat and that I would be studying up to find new and creative ideas for this year. I have been! I've added a ton of new warm-ups to our repertoire, ISSMA Solo & Ensemble WILL NOT kick my behind, and I have some ideas for getting our numbers up in the choirs - "Bring a Friend to Choir Day" anyone? Well, here's to a super year...hang on tight! See you shortly!  -Mrs. Walton


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